Alappuzha Demography

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Census :

Area- 1,414 Sq.Km. which constitutes 3.64% of the total state area.

The population size- 2,105,349 which is 6.61 % of the state population.

Population density - 1492 persons per Sq.Km, against 1415 in 1991- retains the first position in the state.

Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1000 males) - 1079 , earning 4th position (5th position in 1991 with 1051)

Literacy Rate- 93.66 % which earns it the 3rd position in the state.(State Average - 90.92%)

Female Literacy rate- 91.14 which again earns 3rd position in the state.(State Average-87.86%).
