<%@language="vbscript"%> <% dim hide dim cn Dim btype Dim brent Dim bperson Dim bintime Dim bouttime Dim tdname Dim tdmail Dim tdorg Dim tdjob Dim tdstreet Dim tdcity Dim tdstate Dim tdzip Dim tdcountry Dim tdphone Dim tdfax Dim veg Dim non dim food hide =request("book") btype =Request("type") brent =Request("rent") bperson =Request("occupants") bintime =Request("rfrom") bouttime =Request("rto") veg =Request("veg") non =Request("non") tdname =Request("name") tdmail =Request("email") tdorg =Request("organization") tdjob =Request("profession") tdstreet =Request("street") tdcity =Request("city") tdstate =Request("state") tdzip =Request("postal") tdcountry =Request("country") tdphone =Request("telephone") tdfax =Request("fax") btype =Replace(btype,"'","") brent =Replace(brent,"'","") bperson =Replace(bperson,"'","") bintime =Replace(bintime,"'","") bouttime =Replace(bouttime,"'","") tdname =Replace(tdname,"'","") tdmail =Replace(tdmail,"'","") tdorg =Replace(tdorg,"'","") tdjob =Replace(tdjob,"'","") tdstreet =Replace(tdstreet,"'","") tdcity =Replace(tdcity,"'","") tdstate =Replace(tdstate,"'","") tdzip =Replace(tdzip,"'","") tdcountry =Replace(tdcountry,"'","") tdphone =Replace(tdphone,"'","") tdfax =Replace(tdfax,"'","") %> <% if hide="1" then 'Dim qry1 'qry1="INSERT INTO houseboat " & _ ' "(boattype,boatrent,personno,frtime,totime,pdname,pdmail,pdorg,pdjob," &_ ' "pdstreet,pdcity,pdstate,pdzip,pdcountry,pdphone,pdfax,resdate) " &_ ' "VALUES ('" & btype &"','" & brent & "','" & bperson & "','" & bintime & "','" & bouttime & "', " &_ ' "'" & tdname & "','" & tdmail & "','" & tdorg & "','" & tdjob & "','" & tdstreet & "','" & tdcity & "', " &_ ' "'" & tdstate & "','" & tdzip & "','" & tdcountry & "','" & tdphone & "','" & tdfax & "','" & Date() & "')" ' cn.Execute(qry1) dim all all="House Boat/Kettuvallom Reservation" & vbcrlf & _ "---------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & _ "Type of HouseBoat:"&request.form("type") & vbcrlf & _ "Rent:"&request.form("rent") & vbcrlf & _ "No.of Persons:"&request.form("occupants") & vbcrlf & _ "Check In Date:"&request.form("rfrom") & vbcrlf & _ "Check Out Date:"&request.form("rto")& vbcrlf & _ "Food Choice1:"&request.form("non")& vbcrlf & _ "Food Choice2:"&request.form("veg")& vbcrlf & _ "---------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & _ "Personal Details" & vbcrlf & _ "---------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & _ "Name:"&request.form("name") &vbcrlf & _ "Email:"&request.form("email") & vbcrlf & _ "Organization:"&request.form("organization") & vbcrlf & _ "Profession:"&request.form("profession") & vbcrlf & _ "Street:"&request.form("street") & vbcrlf & _ "State:"&request.form("state") & vbcrlf & _ "City:"&request.form("city") & vbcrlf & _ "Postal:"&request.form("postal") &vbcrlf & _ "Country:"&request.form("country") & vbcrlf & _ "Telephone:"&request.form("telephone") & vbcrlf & _ "Fax:"&request.form("fax") %> <% sch = "//schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort .Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "" .update End With Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig .From = tdmail .To = "reservation@keralatravels.com" '.Cc = "traveldesk@keralatravels.com" .Subject = "House Boats Reservation" .TextBody = all .Send End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing Response.Redirect("hbreserve.asp") %> <% else %> HOUSEBOAT/KETTUVALLOM ONLINE BOOKINGS <% dim type1, rent type1 = request("type") rent = request("rent") %>
House Boat/Kettuvallom-Online Reservation

Reservation Form

Type of House Boat :
No.of Persons :
Check In Date : Ckeck Out Date
Food Choice : Veg Non Veg


Name :
E-mail  :
Organization :
Profession :
Street Address :
City :
State :
Zip/Postal Code :
Country :
Telephone :
Fax :
<% end if %>